A Standing Desk for Healthy Working

Update:  I pulled the trigger and now spend much of my day standing while I work.  I love it!  Im glad I invested in a bar-chair though for those times when sitting is better.

2013-09-03 12.47.30

I’m tired of sitting here; I want to stand.  I’m looking for a cost effective desk to fit my wonky space.


  1. Desk surface at least 36″ wide and 30″ deep, height of 41″
  2. 2-3 drawers, one for pens and cords, one for papers to be filed, one for files
  3. Place for the tower and cords

Here’s my research:




I like the top shelf on this one.

I like the top shelf on this one.

It just keeps getting better!

It just keeps getting better!


Too small but I like the stool

Too small but I like the stool.  THey have other ideas:





I have this light in the garage wasted- this is a good idea.

I have this light in the garage wasted- this is a good idea.

Here’s what I might build- I’m still thinking about it.
