Web Books I’ve Actually Read

If you have taken my class you have likely heard me say that I prefer to learn by doing not from books and I feel like tech books become outdated too quickly in this field . Well, I have read some good books on web design but they are on concepts that are more long-lasting. Since students have asked for recommendations, here goes: Continue reading

My Baby Brother is Getting Hitched!

Hi Friends,

My brother is marrying a great lady and they are having some trouble finding a venue. Here are the specifics, please let us know if you have any ideas or know anyone in the biz who can help.

  • At least 100 guests including kids
  • Timing: this fall or next spring
  • Looking for something rustic, unique, relaxed, some DIY, many family members want to help
  • Not overly expensive, nice, but affordable, good value
  • He is a mechanic, she runs a preschool
  • They both live in San Diego, many guests are in So Cal but out-of-town guests will need to secure housing
  • Want to serve beer and wine and food
  • They like/have considered Stone brewery (north county), wineries, and the Prado, open to a park or barn but need nice facilities (no port-a-potties)


Nominate @Wits End for the Community Builder Award

A few months ago I had some free time on my hands and a need for some intellectual stimulation. It was a perfect opportunity to do some pro bono work. I discovered the website Catch a Fire, signed up and applied for a project. After a quick phone interview I was “hired” to create a scope of work for a website design for my new friend Tricia Slavik. Tricia is starting an online database to help connect parents and caregivers of children with mental illness to the RIGHT providers. This is a surprisingly difficult task for something so crucial and heart wrenching as the well being of our beloved children. Continue reading

How to Find a Job

At the end of August of last year I left my job with 10up. This was the first time in a very long time I left a job without a plan (other than to spend more time with my kids). Turns out that was TOO much time with my kids. I also felt that, much to my horror, I may have finally burned out on web design. That also turned out not to be true, I still love technology and communication interaction (phew). Continue reading

How to install WordPress on your purchased hosting plan

I just helped a friend with this and thought I’d write a quick how-to because its super easy once you know what you’re looking for. First, some basics…


WordPress is software. Open source content management software that allows you to use any browser to write and publish content. Your content is stored in a database, in tables kinda like a spreadsheet. WordPress talks to the database every time anyone presses a button (to show a post, search, display a gallery). Continue reading

Lessons Learned and (maybe) Remembered

Proactive Communication Saves Your Ass

I recently told a client I would deliver a document by “the end of this week/early next week”. Normally that’s a fine promise to make and easy to keep. Except this time the document I was delivering was being written by someone else.  I checked in on the progress every couple days, stressing that I had told the client to expect it.  In fact, I remember that little voice in my head being wary- and I did say something to the effect of “If I tell him we’ll have it, we better have it.” Continue reading