Lessons Learned and (maybe) Remembered

Proactive Communication Saves Your Ass

I recently told a client I would deliver a document by “the end of this week/early next week”. Normally that’s a fine promise to make and easy to keep. Except this time the document I was delivering was being written by someone else.  I checked in on the progress every couple days, stressing that I had told the client to expect it.  In fact, I remember that little voice in my head being wary- and I did say something to the effect of “If I tell him we’ll have it, we better have it.” Continue reading

Packing Tape Transfers and Decals

I like to make things. Specifically, I enjoy the assembling found materials and original art into something new. To keep pieces from looking like trash glued together, I take care to layer hand crafted elements and keep a running theme for each series. My current theme is related to women, work, family, and balance. Pretty much the issues which exhaust me daily (I write this while my 2 year old is screaming about being taken to the park in a stroller by daddy). Continue reading

Learning to Screenprint

I finally learned to screenprint. I took a very informative class on how to screenprint at the Verge Center for the Arts. It was a 2 day event, all the materials were supplied.

Day 1

We stretched our own screens over provided frames. The screen material is actually polyester mesh. We used rubber cord in a gutter on the frame  (like on a screen door) and stretched and pulled the material to fit taught over the frame.


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Why My Grandpa is One of My Favorite People

My grandfather, Charles Daniels Jr. has been threatening to die for many years now.  It started when I was in my twenties.  I remember saying just live long enough to meet my husband… then come to my wedding, meet my first child, my second child (whom is born on the same day as Gpa, 89 years later)…  He keeps holding on, and I’m blessed every day he is with us.  He recently endured another surgery meant to improve ongoing pain.  Some days are good, some are not. Continue reading

Happy Holidays Everyone!



Its been a big year!  Novella started Early Kindergarten and is learning to write and read, Banyan learned to walk and run and climb, talk, scream, and get into everything.  I started a new job with 10up and taught my last semester at Sac City. Justin helped make it all possible while hitting the bike trail as often as possible and keeping our wine collection and his sommelier/chef skills up to par.  We celebrated our 11th anniversary, took an amazing road trip to Bend and then the Northwest String Summit, enjoyed lots of weekend trips with stops at local breweries, and ran those kiddos at all the playgrounds along the way!

I hope all is well with you and yours.  Best wished for 2014!
